Marketing Solutions: Why We Should Be Using Banner Ads & Digital Displays
Banner ads have been popping up all over the web for years, and are a great digital marketing tool.
But do you really need to be using banner ads? Will they work? Ultimately, why should your brand use them?
Here are some tips to help you out:
What is a Banner Ad? Banner ads are simply a hyperlink built in to a graphic, instead of just a hyperlink in text format. When the user clicks on the image, the hyperlink brings the view to a new website related to the advertisement in the banner ad.
Why Use banner ads?
Banner ads are cost effective; you pay for the number of impressions (the number of times your ad is shown) and not in set clumps or packages. This allows you the flexibility to test and measure the effectiveness of your banner ads without breaking the bank.
Banner ads are also multisensory, meaning that this type of media touches more than one sensory point — users can read your message on the ad, while being able to look at a visual representation. This increases interest, recognition, and most importantly, action!
One more reason banner ads are beneficial is that they are simple. Creating a banner ad requires only basic design skills – you can out source the work, use a free banner creator on the web, or download premade banners.
Here is a great infographic on banner ads and digital display, providing more great answers to questions like “Why use banner ads?” and “Do banner ads work?” - Created by 525 Grahic Design
Information sourced from Business2Community