Colour: How to Choose the Right Colour for Your Logo and Website
When creating a site or a logo, choosing the optimum colors is one of the most difficult tasks that arise in spite of the apparent easiness. Choosing the perfect chromatic palette is important in order to effectively communicate the message, in order to strengthen the idea of a unique entity and to create brand awareness. Sometimes it will take time to develop a strong brand identity, and even choosing the right logo color could have a future impact on how your brand will perform in this hectic and competitive online business environment.
The effects that certain colours can have on us is something that happens subconsciously without much thought on our part. In order to breakdown colours and related feelings and emotions, here is a nice little infographic made by Communicator, so you can keep it handy.
When Creating a Website:
Irrespective of the field of activity, here are 3 main tips that you should consider for any website:
1. Use a natural palette of colors.
They are more pleasing than any of their artificial counterparts. Combine them in order to get the emotional response that you want to get from your visitors. Unnatural colors, such as bright green, blue or red usually cause eye fatigue and chase visitors (i.e. prospects) away. Also you should be aware that primary colors like red, yellow or orange can work well for culinary promotion purposes.
2. Create a strong contrast between a page’s background and its text.
The best combination for readability is black text on white background, but there are also other excellent combination. Besides white, other effective web site background colors are dark blue, gray and black. The situation is not the same for product promotions. When the product is the center of attention, desaturated colors are recommended.
3. Select an average of 3 different colors and use them consistently throughout the web site.
Chromatic harmony is one of the most important criteria in order to create a pleasant experience for the visitors. It is strongly recommended that a moderate number of colors should be employed; four or five is ok; more than that not only will they create inconsistency, by they will also cause an eye sore for the visitor making him skip important parts of the site.
When Creating a Logo:
Irrespective of the field of activity, here are 3 tips that you should consider for any logo:
1. Number of Colours
A single colour will evoke a single emotion so you have to be sure that you pick exactly the right shade.
Two complementary colours is probably the most popular choice in logo design
Three colours can be very effective, especially if you want to use a stronger accent colour but not overwhelm your audience.
Too many colours rarely works – the best logo designs are simple so it is best to stick with 3 or less. Even with 3 colours you will probably have two main colours and a smaller accent colour.
2. Experiment
Keep an open mind with your colour choices. It never hurts to see the different options!
3. Match the psychology of the color with the brand identity
The brand color and the personality need to match to click with the audience. Always keep in mind that colors speak a lot about the culture, so when you are finalizing the colors keep in mind the markets you are targeting. Be sure that your color choices are not sending the wrong message.
And finally, here are 5 main principles you should keep in mind when designing a logo. Keep it:
Hopefully you find all this information useful. When designing logos and websites for customers, we always keep in mind these helpful notes to really give you the best design possible for your company or business.